Transmission Support Rear Bracket Cherokee XJ, Comanche MJ (84-86)



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Used OEM Transmission Support REAR Bracket for Jeep Cherokee XJ (84-86), Comanche MJ (86), Wagoneer (84-86).

Part numbers: 52000675 --> 53001551, 53001552, 53001547, 53001548

Part number: 52001017

Part number: 52001147 --> 53001566, 53001565

Part number: 52001505 --> 53001190

Part number: 52001754

*NOTE* There are similar items with various design patterns, check pictures to ensure design is correct for application. These part numbers for this design were used in 1984 1985 and 1986. 

*We have multiple of this item in similar condition. The one you receive may not be the exact one pictured. We have these in multiple variances with slight design differences. Contact us if you have any questions / preferences or would like a picture of the exact one before we send it.